Don't worry (or, do worry), I'm not really quitting. I've just tried to write some semi-serious things here and then every time had to give up because I don't want any old random person to read them (I'm not delusional: I see the logs and people from all over read this thing... scary!). So you'll just have to continue living with sarcastic and shallow reporting of our adventures!!
Anyways, so here are some updates: we fly to Canada in just two weeks (crazy, no?). We have 2 Christmas parties next week (so exciting!!). We were going to go to Lyon this weekend for the Fete des Lumières but everything is completely full. We might go on Sunday for the day... but my bet is that we'll be too lazy. It's snowed here a few times. There's lots of snow in the mountains. People are skiing already. Maybe we'll go to Cambodia for vacation in the spring. This is old news but maybe I didn't say it before: we are registered for the Marathon du Lac d'Annecy April 21st. We'll have to train on Christmas. They've been painting the basement of the Chateau at Xerox so we haven't been able to play on the new ping pong table recently. What a major disaster. They might be done this week though. Our espresso machine ("Live an Italian Lifestyle at Home!") needs de-scaling. Poor thing. New research suggests (seriously) that we should drink as much coffee as we can (or like) until it affects our ability to sleep ( I don't understand the most basic principles of statistics (this is not an update, strictly speaking). Apparently farms have something called a "duck house".