I'll admit now, as I often do (ironic the use of the word "often" given what the coming admission relates to), that it has been a long while since any new writing has appeared at this particular Internet destination. One might even say that when something does appear, from time to time, that I often mention that it sure has been a while. Well, far be it from me (if it was easier to create footnotes through this blogging platform then I likely would add a reference right here about that strange saying: far be it from me. But it's too hard to do so I shall not) to make a drastic change to something that seems to have been working out (but has it really?) so I just had to start this particular entry with a note that aims to assure the reader that we recognize that it has been far too long and we do indeed wish that it weren't this way, but sadly it is.
Surprisingly, a lot (relatively speaking) has happened lately. Pemulis and Joelle both got vaccinated and Pemulis gets his second shot already tomorrow. Pemulis's employer sold the autonomous driving unit in which he worked to a subsidiary of Toyota but the Munich office will remain part of the erstwhile owner of said AV unit and will instead start working on more rideshare-related topics such as mapping, routing, ETA modeling, and the like. Pemulis was actually aware of this change (not that it was Toyota though) for several weeks but couldn't say a word under threatened penalty of prison (literally). The good news (at least some of it) is that when Pemulis next goes to California (if ever) he will actually have a reason to stay in SF instead of just having to come up with an excuse, and theoretically the stock should go up.
Spring is finally in the air after what felt like roughly a year of snow in April. Today is 20 degrees and sunny, however, and the air holds a promise of something new. While new Covid-19 cases are basically the worst they've ever been in Germany, I feel a probably-rooted-in-rationality hope and belief that we are right now set to turn the corner with the vaccination drive really having ramped up in the last couple of weeks and I have the confidence that some special magical point will soon be hit where the combination of many people having been vaccinated and the warm weather encouraging people to be outside and a little bit of magic will all come together and we will be able to live life somewhat normally this summer and we will soon be able to spend all the money we've saved by not doing anything over the last year (who am I kidding we spent it on other things we don't need) on a long, relaxing (ha) vacation somewhere in the hot, hot sun. I will keep you updated.