In DFW's Infinite Jest, Don Gately -- a recovering Demerol addict, "more or less professional" burglar, and present counselor at the Ennet House Drug and Alcohol Recovery House -- has been chosen as kind of an "avatar" (in the James Cameron sense) for the genius avant-garde film director J.O. Incandenza's wraith (J.O. is dead from committing suicide by microwaving his head) so that after death J.O. can take care of some unfinished business. Well, it's not fully an avatar in the JC sense because he doesn't fully take over Gately's body and control it completely, but in some ways it's close because J.O. is giving Gately thoughts that Gately can't always tell are not his. Anyways, Gately doesn't realize at first that he's been having thoughts that are kind of "planted" in his head by the wraith but he has clues such as the fact that words that he'd never heard of before start appearing in his thoughts (e.g. "embrasure"). But the wraith (J.O.) eventually explains to Gately that his (Gately's) "best" thoughts are not actually his own but were put there by J.O. As explained in Chris Hager's undergraduate thesis (, Gately's not really troubled by this but in a sense he's actually reassured:
[this explanation] appeals quite a bit to Don Gately, probably because throughout the novel his brain-voice has demonstrated exceptional -- if syntactically imperfect -- thoughts to readers, but Gately consistently refuses to think of himself as anything but stupid
So what's the point of this story? Well, there isn't really one (surprise, surprise) but I do hope that some very clever wraith decides to visit me during my defence on Friday morning. I have yet to receive any comments from the external reviewer (which must obligatorily be sent 7 days prior to the defence date) so I'm a bit worried that it's just so terrible that he hasn't bothered. The most likely explanation is that he's a lazy/busy (both) professor that can't really be bothered with it.
Recent News
As any semi-serious reader of this blog will know, we recently completed the inaugural Ironman Kalmar Sweden. Sandi did really amazing finishing in about the top 1/2 of all competitors and about the top 1/4 of all women with a time of 11:28. I didn't fare as well with a poor performance on the run but finished with a time that I'm happy(-ish) with: 12:30. Here are some really nice pictures that Thony's friend Marcus took:
I'll be coming to Canada tomorrow as you also likely know. See you soon!
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