Friday, January 20, 2017

It's Friday!

There are about five and a half hours left in the Obama presidency and here we are in the coldest few weeks experienced in Bavaria for at least the previous five years. It's an angst-inducing time. Nevertheless, I saw the sun shine at lunchtime today and Nate Silver assures me that statistically, parties steadily lose power in the other branches of government when they have the White House. Also, there is the 25th Amendment.

But enough about U.S. politics! Today is January 20th, 2017, meaning we are 212 days, or exactly 7 months, to IM Copenhagen! Sandi and I haven't started our "training regime" yet but hopefully we will start this weekend. We got a wake-up call when our friend Thony's dad was in Munich this week and stopped by for a dinner of home-made pizza. Thony has been in Thailand for the last 4 weeks and it was reported by his dad that Thony has been running every day very early in the morning before the heat of the day settles in and he can start his biking exercise. Scary stuff.

This weekend we will do 3 runs each (at least that's the plan). We will also try to make it to the swimming pool for some family swimming to make sure that Hannah remembers how. The plan is also to fit in at least one indoor cycling session on the Electronic Trainer in ERG mode (just think back to what happened last January to the tune of "PaĆ­s Tropical") and maybe we will buy some fancy cheese at the Eataly market. Yes, I know! We live such compelling lives!

If you happen to be in Western Europe this weekend, drop by for a coffee. We will be drinking them at most hours of the day on both Saturday and Sunday so your chances of arriving around coffee time are high. And even if we're not there when you arrive because we're out running, at the pool, or buying our Italian products, just wait a few minutes. We'll be back soon because Hannah will have to nap.

See you soon.

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