Monday, August 7, 2017

They see me rollin'...

Two pieces of advice. The second linked to the first. The first consisting of two non-mutually-exclusive clauses, both of which can stand alone, but are immeasurably reinforced by the presence of the other. Number one: do not sign-up for an Ironman if you have a small child and/or are planning to move homes any time even remotely near the beginning of the race. Number two: do not sign-up for an Ironman if you have a small child and both parents of said child have signed up for that event. You will likely regret it! It's just too much! Bonus number three piece of advice (yet to be confirmed): just keep renting a place; there's so much less stress involved. So much less. But anyways...

On to a totally (well, not totally) unrelated topic: rolling.

When the weight of the world has got you down, heading out on a Monaco Velo Club "Thursday after-work ride" is a great way to unwind. You have alpine vistas, beer gardens, and even (if you could speak German) good conversation (one presumes anyways, but one cannot be sure if the conversation is actually good if one doesn't understand any of it). In any case, though, that was fun.

Believe it or not we leave for our trip to Copenhagen just one week from tomorrow. Packing should be interesting (we have to find everything that's hidden away in boxes somehow) and before we leave we both need to get a couple of things fixed on our bikes. Getting scary!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in the race! One other piece of advice - if you have to leave your child with two grandmas for a 16hr period while you race, Copenhagen, with its obscenely high cost of living is probably the best place to do it given the (hopefully) high cost of candy in the city.
