Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Imagine being able to do things

First a message to the future: Helga and Heinrich, if you read this, please don't feel bad. It's just that you took up a lot of time and were really quite exhausting. But I'm pretty sure all kids back then were like that. Of course now that it's the future modern science has probably figured out how to keep babies / children happy and the advances in child psychology, philosophical understanding of the requirements of the soul to live a good life, and discoveries in biochemistry, neurology, and nanotechnology have rendered misunderstandings and difficulties in family life to the dustbin of history. But back when I wrote this we didn't have all that and so I just needed to vent a little bit.

Now the content.

Imagine being able to do things! To seek inspiration for new (or even old but re-tooled) subject matter to fill in the spaces on this here blog, I took a trip down memory lane and visited some of our earlier entries back in the pre-November-2015 days, and it really seems like things were pretty nice back then! For example, there is a veritable boatload of pictures of Pemulis and Joelle together from soon after we arrived in Grenoble. I defy you to find more than one from the last year or more. We don't have time for that sort of thing! And even if we did, the ravages that time and sleep deprivation have inflicted on my body including most definitely its appearance prevent me from wanting to be anywhere within hundreds of metres of Joelle when the possibility of being framed by a camera lens is extant because having those contrasts of my aged hideousness beside her continuous beauty fills the Instagram filters with dread, foreboding, and any other word meaning roughly the same thing. But yeah, having those pictures of us together looking young is pretty nice. Glad I took em and posted them.

Next come the photographs of the food we both made and purchased so that we could consume. But let's focus primarily on the former. Imagine having time to make food! I refer of course to actual food rather than the umpteenth rendition of cheesy pasta or grilled cheese (thank goodness for cheese and its ability to melt on to and around food). One notices further in these gastronomically themed photographs that we were often (or perhaps essentially always) able to enjoy such delights of the culinary senses paired with some very fine French wines. Imagine drinking an entire bottle of wine in this political climate! One surely needs more than our standard 3 hours of heavily interrupted sleep per night to even dream of partaking in such an activity.

One might move next to the trips. The weekend getaways. The long-loved European capital city trip. Amsterdam. Paris. Rome. Instead if one were able to actually find the time to go somewhere our hard-earned money would more than likely rather be spent on hauling everybody to one of two places: (1) Canada which of course isn't bad at all but it's a little far for a long weekend; or (2) some "kid-friendly" hotel which requires both a swimming pool and a Spielplatz and which then implies there will highly unfortunately exist other guests who are classified as children. Too, too bad.

But I'm sure that one day, not far from now, Pemulis and Joelle will wake up after a long night's uninterrupted sleep and will hear no pitter-patter of small feet running across the hardwood or (more realistically) screaming and yelling from a fight over a toy. They will realize that the golden years of their children's childhoods has passed them by and they are now alone and they will long for the days of yore much as this author is doing right now for another bygone time. But then again, maybe not...

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