Saturday, January 29, 2022

Pretending it's summer

Now I'm not sure what it's like where you live, but here (in the Southern Europe of Germany), it's winter time and therefore it's dark and it's cold and it's miserable. It's also grey and it's damp and it's limiting. There's no sunshine or warmth or really hope of any kind and let's just say it's not exactly Los Angeles. Not sure if LA is the pinnacle of hope and warmth and sunshine and all that but maybe for some people it is. But anyways, if you're not loaded and/or in the elite or whatever (or, of course, living in some warm place like, well, LA I guess) then Covid has made it impossible to do the normal things like flying somewhere warm or just being warmed by the sight of your giant piles of money (I guess) then you have to improvise. And so, while we can't transplant ourselves to where it actually is summer (or at least warm, sunny winter) we can at least pretend it's summer. And what better way to do that than drinking IPAs with cool edgy artistic and summertime-thought-inducing colourful labels from a hip brewery in Barcelona?


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